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About me

My Specialties


Support and assistance before, during and after birth

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Guidance throughout the transition into fatherhood and motherhood 

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Treatment of minor symptoms of pregnancy

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Masseur therapist in Shiatsu and initiated for water treatments

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Placenta encapsulation

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Ceremonies and rituals such as Blessing Way and Closing the bones

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Certified facilitator and

        master trainer for the program            ‘Helping Baby Breathe’

(helping baby at birth)

My Story

I became passionate about traditional midwifery after I gave birth, unattended, to my two daughters in rural Africa.


I feel a deep connection to the sacred circle of women who I feel committed to serving in many ways.


For the last 15 years I have devoted myself to the art of birthkeeping, studying with diverse midwives in the Global South, creating medicinal tinctures from the placenta and umbilical cord, and organizing sacred birthing and postpartum rituals ~ all while home-schooling my two daughters and producing natural cosmetics. 

I have lived in Africa, Brazil, Europe and Asia where I have worked with local traditional midwives. These experiences has given me a multicultural honoring of women and their different realities.


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