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Birthing life for the first time and attracting Alex as my birth keeper is still an unforgettable miracle. 
For me it was the most important to experience birth with consciousness, a lot of space for self-determination, trust in my body and it’s abilities. To really meet myself in my female embodiment in its wildness, strength and softness. 

With a heartful dedication, Alex held space and time for all of that. From the moment we connected, met, til our beloved little goddess was born and during postpartum, she was making sure we could meet all our needs as a little growing family. 

We are infinitely grateful for choosing this life path!
Thereby we could make this once in a lifetime experience and meeting Alex stays such a gift to our hearts. 

With so much love and nature.



We are very thankful that our paths crossed with Alex. Such a gentle, kind and respectful woman who's experience and intuition held us. In this space I was able to reach a place that brought deep calm, release and togetherness.

I had a wonderful pregnancy and Alex was always there to answer any questions and discuss the "what ifs..." We valued her genuine nature and professionalism as well as her personal opinion, which she was happy to share when we asked. With a deep well of experience Alex gave my partner and I the support we needed to connect within ourselves and nurture our intuitive nature. We spoke on our first conversation about trust... trust in each other, trust in ourselves, trust in the body and in the process. I was able to draw on this trust during my pregnancy and the birth, bringing acceptance and clarity.

Together we became more comfortable with the unknown and ready to welcome a beautiful baby, however it was to occur. Alex gave us the space and opportunity to do what was required throughout the birth, along with a clarity and alertness; bringing a healthy baby to this world with a healthy and supported muma.

The postpartum care Alex provided was incredibly sensitive and respectful and helped us to process the birth and adapt to our new life bursting with love. Alex is very passionate about supporting women through this rite of passage and guiding them through the transition to motherhood. I hope that many more women are also touched by Alex's loving presence.



I was already in the 3rd Trimester, when I felt that the (medical) midwife we had chosen for our Homebirth didn´t align anymore with what I had leared about birth and with what I wanted for myself and my baby´s birth journey.
When I met Alex the first time I intuitively knew that her energy and her approach will meet our needs: I felt seen. I felt heared. I felt like I am given the space to claim responsibility for my birth. Everything was embedded in deep trust towards my body, my intuition and the nature of birth. At the same time her knowledge and wisdom carried us. 
We enjoyed Alexes visits during pregnancy and getting to know her more. My Baby connected immediately with her: I could feel her joyful response every time Alex touched my belly. Today I am pretty sure that it was my daughter who had chosen Alex, not me.
We all loved to have her around and I knew that when it´ll come to the birth itself, i´ll be able to fully let go in Alexes presence: With the previous midwife I always had a feeling of having to protect myself from unnecessary examinations and other interventions. Now with Alex it was quite the opposite.
My daughter Freya Malina – our first Baby – was born peacefully in the safety of our home in the warm water with candle light around us. The experience was way beyond anything I had imagined for my dream birth: I felt empowered. I smiled. I surrendered. In a moment when I felt fear coming up, Alex guided me gently back into trust by reminding me to welcome each rush. My birth felt like mother Nature herself running through me – what an honour. It did feel intense, but not what my body knows as pain. Alex helped me in the last phase to make sure I roar my Baby out gently which I am sure is the reason I had no injuries. She was like this wise woman, sitting calmly next to me, holding space for us and coming in intuitively when I needed her. It was more than perfect.
Before, during and after birth we felt really well taken care of. We felt like she was sharing her time & energy from the heart with us. We weren´t just another couple, yet another birth. It was a very individual care with natural remedies and lots of love & presence. I could ask all the questions. 
We will be forever grateful for this magical experience. Thanks to Freya for choosing Alex 😊 Thank you Alex, for seeing me as a woman, us as a family. Your work is so precious, so special and so needed in this world. Forever grateful we are ~



When I found out I was pregnant with my second child I knew that this time I absolutely wanted to give birth at home, but I had some fears related to the accompaniment of my first birth in a maternity hospital in France. When we met Alex I immediately knew that she was the right person to accompany us this time in this new adventure. I immediately felt supported, soothed and that she would be exactly the right person to have by our side. Alex is everything you need from a midwife when you want to give birth at home. She is extremely gentle, tender and skilful, and knows how to stand back and let the mother and the couple have their experience as naturally as possible. She is respectful and has always found the right words to make me feel confident and believe in my abilities. She helped us with both technical and spiritual issues. I am convinced that it is also thanks to her support that I was able to give birth to our child serenely and joyfully, in the warmth of our home. Thank you again Alex.



We found Alex threw a mothers group I am part of and how happy I am I was so lucky to find this incredible human being. 

This was going to be my second home birthing. As my first birth didn’t go very well and I was a bit skeptical I really knew what I wanted the second time round. 

When I first met Alex I explained all that had happened with me and when we finished our meeting I knew this was the person I wanted to support me in bringing my second child into this world.

I knew I wanted a traditional midwife that followed the natural ways of birth. Alex is this and some much more. 

Threw out the all pregnancy I always had many questions and Alex was always happy to answer them and if she wasn’t sure of the answer she would search and find all the information I needed. She checked in on us from time to time and really made me feel so at ease. 

Together we really prepared and made sure the problem I had with my first birth wouldn’t not reoccur again. With natural remedies and care from us both, and a lot of research from Alex’s part we worked on this issue. 

Alex accompanied me threw out all  of my pregnancy, from the very start. Every time we met and was feeling unsure Alex made me feel at ease and confident I was going to be fine. 

In the end all our efforts payed off and I gave birth to my second son, without  any complications and in the most natural way possible. Alex was amazing threw out the birth she stayed as long as we needed her to and supported us as a family in everything we needed. 

Her post partum care was so incredible, so calm, so pleasant, so non invasive, so easy. 

Alex really become part of the family in this time. She really loves what she does and you can feel this immediately in everything. 

All of  Alex’s efforts really made my birth and recovery very quick. 

I really can’t put  in words how much I appreciate Alex’s work and her ways. She is an incredible, loving woman, doula, midwife and for me one of the most calmest human beings I ever met. 

You really feel the all way she is there 100% for you and for your baby. 

I hope she can support many more women in their quest back into natural birthing. Together with women like Alex we can return to our natural ways.

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Alexa was the midwife of our first baby, a boy who came very fast in our relationship. 

Since we decided to receive the blessing of having the child, a natural birth was the first thing that we wanted.  

Alexa was a great support for us in the pre and post partum.  

Since the moment we have met we clicked energetically and we decided to have her as our midwife. 

During the whole process of pregnancy, I received from her the support that I need it, emotional, physical and mental. 

When we have met I was in my 5th month of pregnancy and until then I was a wrack emotionally and mentally. 

 I didn’t feel support from anyone but after meeting her this disappeared as with so much kindness and tenderness she supported me, my partner and the baby for the rest of the pregnancy. She was always available for anything we need it or wanted to know. She guided us without projecting, always giving us space to reflect. She did not interfere in our decisions, we received  presence, support and clarity when doubts were arising. This was a true blessing for our pregnancy journey.   

The medical support during the last months of pregnancy was amazing. She was always very clear about my condition and how the baby is.  

When the moment of birth came she was there with me and the rest of team all the time. Her presence, her advice and skills helped us to bring our son safe and healthy. At all moments I felt secure with her and her experience. I know I have made the best choice ever to have her as midwife. She was born to do this job!  

The support continued after birth and as always: professional, secure, comforting and precise. Her experience made us feel secure and enjoying every moment of pregnancy and after birth. Thanks to her, everything went smooth.  

Now we are very happy that this birth brought us not only a beautiful child but also a wonderful friendship that we cherish so much. 

We are very grateful to have Alexa in our life now, especially our little boy  as he was born with her help. 

Amazing service, secure, prompt and transformational I can say! I totally recommend her and her service! And this might end as well for you in an amazing friendship !  

Thank you Alexa for being you and for doing such an amazing service to these babies who want to come on Earth and for their mamas and families!  

Much gratitude and love!



Mon compagnon et moi avons êtes accompagnés par Alex pendant toute notre grossesse jusqu’à quelques mois après l’enfantement . Ce fut une expérience grandiose du début à la fin. Je me suis sentie rassurée, entourée, en confiance et très soutenue. Alex a toujours été là quand nous avions besoin d’elle, toujours à prendre beaucoup de temps pour répondre à nos très multiples questions . Elle m’a même offert une séance de shiatsu incroyable et initié mon compagnon pour qu’on le reproduise tous les deux.


Nous avons donné naissance à notre garçon dans une piscine, dans notre salon. Et grâce à sa sagesse, son expérience et à l’espace qu’elle a su tenir et respecter, Eric et moi avons vécu l’accouchement de nos rêves. 


Je recommande Alex à tous les couples ou femmes souhaitants être accompagnés avec respect, douceur et présence afin de se sentir capables et confiants pour cet période qui bouleverse les vies.


Nous serions honorés d’être accompagnés à nouveau par Alex pour un second bébé.

Merci encore mille fois !

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OLGA | BALI 2020

I feel extremely lucky to have worked with Alex during my 2nd pregnancy in Bali. It started out a little hectic as I was moving to Bali at 32 weeks pregnant with no concrete birth team but from the first conversations that I had with Alex, I knew everything would be fine. I was fortunate to find Alex in a mother’s group that I was part of and initially started talking when I was a couple weeks away from the move. I was so stressed and nervous about everything but as soon as we began to talk, I felt that Alex was the right person. Without even meeting and confirming that she would be working with us, Alex was supportive and extremely helpful in preparing me for the move. Soon after I arrived, my partner and I met her and from that moment I felt I could finally breath. Her calming energy and very practical insights made me know that I had found the right person to work with. 


This was my second pregnancy so I knew what I was looking for and what I wanted. I had pretty high standards since I had a really great experience with my previous doula, who was also a friend that I knew for years. Little did I know that Alex would be so much more than I expected and thought I needed. From the time that we started to work together in Bali, she made me feel very well taken care of and prepared. Our weekly meetings cemented our relationship and built a friendship that I am now grateful to have. 

During the last few weeks of the pregnancy, I was getting a little nervous and as I was past my due date, a little stressed as well! Alex made a point to address my concerns and made visits to my home to check in on me often. When the birth finally came, I was able to count on her fully. She was very nurturing and comforting yet she has an extremely alert side to her that gives the patient reassurance that everything will be alright. Not only was she there for me as a doula but she was also able to help me when I had some complications after the birth. Her services did not end when I gave birth, she checked up on me during post partum, making sure I was doing well mentally and physically. Alex was also always available for any questions that came up as I recovered and adapted to a new member of our family. 


She was there for me in every sense and her presence was very genuine. Alex is someone who truly cares and is passionate about what she does. She showed me what a doula truly is and anyone who has the opportunity to work with her is very lucky. Not only will I always be grateful for my experience with her but I am also very thankful to have gotten a chance to know her and consider her a friend. 














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I always knew I wanted to birth at home, but being pregnant with my first during a worldwide pandemic while living in a foreign country, brought up some fears for me.


Until I met Alex.


Her energy is very calming and grounding, and I immediately knew we would be safe with her.


Alex prepared my partner and I for birth, and supported me throughout the final months of my pregnancy, as well as during and after our birth. She put all of my fears at ease, replacing them with trust and confidence.


I went into birth very light hearted, with absolutely no fear. She was there every moment that I needed her, supporting the very wild birth we experienced together. We experienced a miraculous, very intense and very fast home labour, and Alex delivered our child. We needed a very calm, powerful, and experienced being to be able to perform the way Alex did that day, and we are beyond grateful to have chosen her as our doula.












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From across the other side of the world, Alex has been an amazing support for me during my pregnancy and also whilst getting to know our newborn son, Jasper. 


Pregnancy was such an exciting time for me but it also came with uncertainty. Alex’s expertise & her kind, genuine nature was exactly what I needed to help navigate me through these times. 


I couldn’t recommend Alex more highly! 


Thank you for accompanying me on this special journey 🌻



To have Alex as my doula, friend and ancient sister was a blessing for the birth of my daughter and my transition into motherhood. She was gracing me throughout all times with her loving presence and sharing her deep wisdom abundantly.


She is an exceptional hands-on bodyworker, creates powerful placenta medicines and has a holistic, sacred way to work with birth.

Alex also has a special hand in calming and empowering the mother-and father-to-be!


Thank you for everything my love!

You are blessing to every family.














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Alex is a very beautiful special woman and we were VERY lucky and extremely grateful for her presence at our birth.

Her natural way was EXACTLY what we needed. 

Her dedication and commitment was felt to my core.

A solid rooted in life experience wisdom energy that was so essential for us to home birth this miracle I see before me.


I  bow down to the birth keepers in this planet... this initiation will be with me forever...


Alex is a diamond....


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I read quite a lot on pregnancy and had a local mother's group support, still Alex had always additional knowledge and tips. She is, besides very knowledgeable, a calm and confident presence, before, during and after birth. Also, has a mother of two homeschooled teens, she is a very inspiring woman.


I'm very blessed to have had her by our side.

She offered a shiatsu session during pregnancy. She empathised and endured our long birth process. She came after to guide the placenta preparation. And later, to meet us, and to this day we keep a very sweet connection.


I love her.












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Since the initial meeting with Alex during my pregnancy until the birth of my daughter (and after) I felt so connected to her and cared for in the most sensitive time of transition into motherhood. She was there all the way with a big and warm motherly heart, fully in devotion and service of the divine feminine. Her presence during the birth felt calm, grounding and supportive and really helped me to stay in my power and strength to carry on and have the beautiful home birth that I so much wished for.


I'm thankful beyond words with Alex as my doula and can highly recommend her to anyone who wish to have a natural, intuitive and sacred pregnancy and birth experience!


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